Merry Christmas - hope the house doesn't catch fire!

My Honey and I went to my sister and brother-in-law's house in Midland on Christmas Day to celebrate with the family, where we enjoyed great food, lots of fun-yelling (not angry yelling) and bumper pool (no one would play Pictionary with my sister and me, because we're unbeatable and a bit louder than most people prefer).

During the visit, my sister showed me the drone they gave my 12 year old nephew for Christmas. He plugged it into a phone charger to power it up and came back five minutes later to find that it was beginning to melt.

Buried on page 6 of the instructions, in the small print, was the suggestion to use a computer to charge the drone, not a phone charger. This was not made very obvious and should have been mentioned on the packaging.

She contacted the manufacturer through their website to point out that their crap-tastic product nearly burned down their house. Christmas Day. They told her to not return it to the point of purchase and 'they'll get back with her'. Still waiting.

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