Michigan's Department of Natural Resources has announced it's upcoming "Three Free Weekend!" The opportunity for both residents of the Great Lakes State and non-residents, to get out and enjoy our State Parks with free entry, fishing and ORV trail riding.

The summer free fishing weekend allows anglers to fish without the need of a license for the weekend of June 9th and 10th. Regular size and catch limits will be enforced.

The regular fee for the recreational passport will also be waived this same weekend allow free entry into any of Michigan's State Parks. You will be able to explore any of the beautiful locations that are scattered all over the Upper and Lower Peninsula.

Finally, for those who love the off road life, the need for an ORV sticker will also be waived for bot resident and non-residents alike. Again, all laws will strictly be enforced for all three areas.

For complete details, visit the MI DNR Website by clicking here: Three Free Weekend

Dude Ranch Media
Dude Ranch Media

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