11 Horrors of Riding Amtrak in Michigan
Have you ever traveled by rail in Michigan? Amtrak is a fun way to travel throughout Michigan and beyond. Amtrak can also be an interesting ride. I've always had a good experience but sometims things get weird. Let's talk about the horrors of riding Amtrak in Michigan.
I am all about rail travel. I like riding the train and seeing parts of Michigan from the rail standpoint. When you are riding the train you are seeing something entirely different then you do when you driving on the interstate. It feels like I'm traveling through the "guts" of our state and it's a unique experience.
If you want to travel by rail from Lansing you can catch the Amtrak to Chicago in the morning at the East Lansing Amtrak station. That will take you through mid and southwest Michigan until you get to the Indiana border. Beyond that, your final stop could be Chicago. There you could transfer to another train that could get you to your final destination of Seattle, perhaps.
When getting ready to board the train, and while you are riding it, be courteous and use some common sense. We've heard horror stories about passengers on airplanes, there are similar stories about passengers that ride the train. When riding the train, don't make it a horror story. Use some common sense and you'll be just fine
11 Horrors of Riding the AM Track in Michigan
Wear your shoes!
Just like air travel, noboby wants you taking your shoes off. It doesn't matter if you are wearing socks or are barefoot, keep your shoes on.
Wear your shoes when you go to the bathroom on the train!
You should keep your shoes on anyhow. The restrooms are a lot cleaner than the one in the picture. One thing you need to remember is that trains move and when men use the restroom on a bumpy ride, the floors could get damp. Wear your shoes.
Keep your barefeet out of your mouth!
Two years ago I was on a return trip from Chicago on Amtrak. I witnessed a young girl sitting with her mom. She wasn't wearing shoes, she was barefoot. The girl got up to use the bathroom. She didn't put any shoes on. She used the bathroom, returned to her seat and then proceeded to chew her toe nails, mom didn't stop her from doing it. It was disgusting.
Gotta pass gas? Do it somewhere else!
If you have gas when you are on the train, don't make everyone around you suffer. Feel free to get up and crop dust the cafe car if you are gassy.
Make sure the bathroom has toilet paper before you go!
I always try to sit as far away from the bathroom as possible on the train. Sadly I've witnessed a passenger call for help from the bathroom. Their spouse had to come save them with the toilet paper.
Why are we sitting on the tracks, not moving?
If you travel by rail you understand that sometimes rail traffic can get congested. Often times you could be riding the Amtrak and suddenly you creep to a stop. I've sat on the train, not moving for two hours. It's frustrating but having traveled by rail many times I understand this happens. Bring a book or watch a video to pass the time. The train wants to get moving as well.
If you need to vomit please head to the restroom, thank you.
Maybe you get motion sickness or perhaps you sat in a seat that faces backward while the train is moving forward. Regardless, if you think you need to puke, get up and go the the restroom. I don't want your warm sack of vomit sitting next to me nor do I want to watch it happen.
I'm a customer, I paid for this ticket!
One thing that I have learned is that going into beast mode with regard to customer service isn't a smart idea. Overall, my experience with Amtrak has been positive. There have been a few times that the Amtrak staff has been very rude and disresepectful in my presence.
Get a room!
Traveling by rail is a unique experience. Sometimes couples forget that they are on a train and that there are other passengers around them. This isn't the "mile high club" folks, and it's not the "ground level club" either.
I missed my stop!
I've heard passengers complain on the train to Amtrak staff that they missed their stop. I've also heard these passengers blame the Amtrak staff for their situation. Amtrak does a good job of announcing stops on trains and the staff walks through the cars announcing it verbally too. If you miss your stop, that's on you.
It's so expensive for food!
Realistically concessions on the train are reasonably priced. If you don't want to pay for food, bring your own. Don't take it out on the staff, they are just doing their jobs. Too many people want to argue about pricing, prices are set. They offer various items.