2Fer Tuesday Returns Today!
One of the first times I tuned in to this radio station I heard it. Led Zeppelin... Followed by another Led Zeppelin song. I thought Plant or Page had died. I called up the station.
"You know you JUST played Led Zeppelin."
"IT'S 2 FOR TUESDAY!" The DJ said, then hung up on me. A common DJ practice back in the day.
In 2005, we did a 2 For Tuesday again and I was on the air. A listener called up.
"You just played Pink Floyd! Enough already."
Like 2 from Pink Floyd is ever bad.
It's 2Fer Tuesday again. Now, the spelling may vary from person to person but the concept is still the same. We play a song from your favorite Classic Rock artists... Then we play another. There is never 3. There are only 2. 2 for Tuesday. Get it?
Maitlynn and I will sneak in the first 2Fer during the 8 o'clock hour this morning. When you hear it, send us a message on the WMMQ app telling us who had the first 2Fer and you could score today's AMAZING PRIZE! I don't know what that is yet. It could be a picture drawn my daughter or it could be someplace to shove food in your mouth hole. It's more about bragging rights on who has the best set of ears. You do. Of course, you do.
Really, it's 2 $25 gift cards for the Pizza House.