5 Things Michigan Can Do To Look Busy at Work
Michigan goes to work everyday and works hard. The same ol work week can lead to burnout and monotony. Sometimes hardworking Michiganders need a break and focus on other things while at work. Here are 5 things Michigan can do to look busy at work.
No matter what type of job you have, there are some days you just don't want to work. It's hard to motivate yourself to get the job done. Often times we daydream about upcoming events, vacations, purchases and family. Other times we put some effort into killing time at work. What types of things do you do to pass the time at work without looking obvious?
5 Things That Michigan Can Do To Look Busy at Work
Walk Fast With A Clipboard
If you can acquire a clipboard and have some office space, try this one. Anytime someone is carrying a clipboard and walking fast that means that they are busy beyond belief, right? Especially if you're the guy in the picture, he's so busy he's holding up his clipboard to read it but has his eyes on his path. Very busy indeed.
Wear a Lanyard at Work
If you're company has lanyards already, this is easy. Use your lanyard to access other parts of your office that you haven't accessed before. Your coworkers will think you're really busy because they've never seen you in those parts of the office before. If you don't have lanyards at work, make one. Anytime you wear a lanyard people assume you are important and will leave you alone.
Carry Dry Erase Markers
Nothing screams "I'M BUSY" like walking through your workplace with a bunch of dry erase markers at a brisk pace towards a meeting room or office. Many coworkers may look at you and think "I'm really lucky I don't have their job!".
Play Video Games While Doing Your Spreadsheets
People do it all of the time. Have your spreadsheet minimized and get to gaming on your computer. When "the Bobs" walk by, maximize your spreadsheet and you're good to go.
Sigh at Anything You Are Looking at On Your Computer
Anytime you have your computer openeed up and you're looking at it, let out a SIGH. Look at this guy in the picture, he's not only sighing but he sold it with the extra sticky notes on his computer. People will leave you alone so you can work.