Raising kids in Michigan is a rewarding job for parents. Parents in Michigan want to raise their kids with strong life skills, morals and values. Here's 5 things Michigan parents should be teaching their kids.

We have two awesome kids at home. They are both boys. It's our job to teach them some life skills while they are growing up so they don't enter the real world after high school and get steamrolled. These are things that we are teaching our kids at home and I believe they are good lessons and I wanted to share them with you.

5 Things Michigan Parents Should Be Teaching Their Kids


How To Shake A Hand

A good handshake is important in life. It's a way to introduce ourselves. It also is a great way to show respect to an individual. ALWAYS stand up when you shake someone's hand. It's disrespectful to sit on your butt. Maintain eye contact and give it a firm grip when you shake hands. Teach your kids to introduce themselves. This will build self confidence.


How To Make Toast

It doesn't have to be toast, but teaching your kids how to fend for themselves is a great gift you can give them. That doesn't mean let them starve. It means empower them to make their own meal. That teaches them not to count on others so much when they can help themselves. Learning independence is priceless for anyone at any age.


How To Walk Up & Down Stairs

Our kids learn how to walk up and down stairs when they are young. What about some old fashioned etiquette. My mom taught me "a gentleman should walk down the stairs first in front of a lady and should wak up the stairs behind a lady in case she falls". Ok, I have never forgotten that. Do it for anyone.


Teach Them The Importance Of Eye Contact

My grandpa taught me this lesson. Maintaining eye contact during a converstion is important. If your eyes roam about it can make you look nervous and untrustworthy. Sit back, relax and maintain good eye contact.


Teach The Kids About Integrity

Integrity, simply put, is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. The more specific Merriam-Webster defintion is:

1firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values INCORRUPTIBILITY
2an unimpaired condition SOUNDNESS
3the quality or state of being complete or undivided COMPLETENESS

These are strong life lessons and skills. They may seem minor now, but building up our kids will make them better and stronger individuals. When it's time for them to get a part time job in high school, I know my kids will be able to pursue the opportunity, will maintain eye contact at the interview, will hold a conversation and give a good handshake. That will leave a strong impression on someone.

5 Rules For Kids in MIchigan Trick or Treating Without Parents

Are your kids ready to go Trick or Treating without adult supervision? Before letting them roam your neighborhood with you, here are 5 things to discuss with your Michigan tween or teen, according to Erie Insurance, before they head out without you this Halloween.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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