82 Year-Old Michigan Man Arrested for 43 Year-Old Murder
MLive had a crazy story today about an 82 year-old Cheboygan man who was arrested for allegedly murdering his wife in 1975. The murder happened when they both lived in Wisconsin. He moved to Cheboygan a few weeks after she came up missing.
He claimed his wife up and left him but police say there was no financial activity from her since she disappeared. Apparently, he had a new girlfriend not long after.
He put a mobile home on a half acre plot of land in Cheboygan and police were searching Thursday in that area for his missing wife. They say he had probable cause because he took out a loan for a trencher-bulldozer and trailer in December of 1975. He also got her pension, everything from the marriage and her silence. He is charged with first-degree murder and disinterment of a dead person.
The story reads like an episode of murder she wrote. You can click here to get the full story with names, places and dates.
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