A Wet Start For Michigan Bow Season Opener
For nearly 13 years, October 1st was as special to me as November 15 is for others. It marked the opening of Michigan season for bow hunters of whitetail deer. I've taken a break from the past few years for various reasons.
Yesterday's opener was no different. Heavy rains, lightning and thunder, didn't really appeal to me as a day that I want to be in a tree stand. A metal one at that! In actuality, I haven't even purchased a hunting license in the past three years. Since the discovery of CWD in Michigan's deer herd and all of the new regulations and confusing rules, I know I'm not alone.
Fortunately for Michigan's economy, there are those who still will go out in search of a trophy buck, venison for the table or both. And if you are one of those people who are, I wish you the best of luck and a happy and safe season! Please feel free to share your photos from the field with me so I can post them to my other show page. www.facebook.com/wildmichian
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