Arnold Schwarzenneger In E Lansing Saturday Morning
The Lansing State Journal reports that former California Governor/action movie star/body-builder Arnold Schwarzenegger will be at the Marriott at University Place in East Lansing Saturday morning.
If you want to see the super star, it's going to cost you for a photo op to get into this political event which is to promote anti-gerrymandering (gerrymandering is the manipulation of voting districts in order to give advantage to one group over another; the Washington Post has an explanation here).
Schwarzenegger's appearance is to promote Proposal 2, which will be on the ballot here in Michigan next month has details here on what we'll be deciding at the polls, which will determine who gets the power to designate districts in our state..
You will need a ticket to attend the breakfast event - you can get the details here on the Voters - Not Politicians Facebook page.
If you didn't know, Schwarzenegger is in the middle of filming another Terminator movie - the 6th one! Linda Hamilton will be back in this one, too. Joey Pants insists that the Terminator movies get better every time.