Bad Weather Doesn’t Stop Wacousta Buck Pole
he weather was just short of miserable for the annual Wacousta General/Wild Michigan Buck Pole on Saturday. But that didn't stop about 60 bundled up fans of the outdoors from showing up to see the local buck pole.
Heavy rains, gusting winds and snow filled the air as some gathered around to see what trophies local hunters would bring in. All totalled, three deer made it. No one seemed to mind, especially 8 year old Evan Pung!
Evan's first deer ever was a MONSTER! When asked about the encounter, like any other 8 year old, he kind of turned shy. According to his father Been, he was nervous at first sight but turned cool as a cucumber when it came time to pull the trigger.
A deal was made between the younger Pung and his dad before it all came down. Ben told me that he said that he said that "whatever comes out first, that will be yours to take the shot at." As luck would have it, the monster buck would make his fatal mistake following a doe. Evan took the shot and it was a done deal after a short run.
The rest is now history and a young 8 year old will have a trophy and a memory for a lifetime. Not to mention a few pounds of quality venison for the table!