Bad Weather Has Delayed Groundhog Day, At Least in Michigan
Groundhog Day in Michigan has been postponed. You didn't want to head out into all that snow to see if you could see your shadow, so why should the groundhog?
Ordinarily, Woody, who is Michigan's official groundhog, would've made her appearance today at the Howell Nature Center. After all, today is Groundhog Day. But Woody decided there is just too damn much snow. Can you blame her?
Groundhog Day Ceremony Postponed
The folks at the Howell Nature Center decided that delaying today's festivities would be in everyone's best interest. According to their website, Woody will be queried about Michigan's weather forecast this Saturday.
Join us on the morning of February 5th as Woody, Michigan's OFFICIAL groundhog, makes her 24th annual prediction LIVE at Howell Nature Center! Will we have six more weeks of winter, or an early spring? Join us to find out!
The Howell Nature Center is located at 1005 Triangle Lake Road in Howell. The public is invited to the ceremony which is now slated for 7:30 am this SAturday.
Punxsutawney Phil's Prediction
Punxsutawney Phil is the country's leading authority (cough, cough) on weather predictions, residing in Punxsutawney, PA and stepping out each year to make his prediction.
Today (2/2) Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow at 7:25 am to see his own shadow and predict six more weeks of winter.
How Accurate Are Groundhogs at Predicting Winter
The short answer is, not very. In the 107 years that Punxsutawney Phil has been predicting forecasts, he's only been right about 36% of the time.
Woody - Michigan's official Groundhog - on the other hand, has been accurate in her predictions about 76% of the time, according to the Howell Nature Center.