These Are The Best And Worst Things About Living In Michigan
Living in Michigan definitely has its advantages and some downsides as well. Personally, living in Kalamazoo is a prime location considering it's the halfway point between Chicago and Detroit, it's not too far away from Grand Rapids and serves as one of the top cities in West Michigan. Our state also has a thriving beer scene as well for beer enthusiasts and with 4 major sports teams and dozens of minor league teams, catching a game is never a hard thing to accomplish.
However we all know that it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There plenty of things about Michigan that give us a headache on the regular that we know we're gonna have to deal with almost on an annual basis. With every state there are bound to be ups and downs, but I wanted to see what our residents thought about our state. Here are some responses received when someone posed the question, "What Are The Best & Worst Things About Living In Michigan?"