Love Is Strong At The Capital Area Humane Society
The Capital Area Humane Society is a blessing to have in our community. Their mission is simple and you can help.
Our Mission: To promote the humane treatment of companion animals through protection, placement, education, and example.
This is not an easy task. Here are some statistics about what they do and the manpower to make it happen according to the CAHS Website.
The CAHS can house up to 400 animals at one time. An average of more than 16 animals per day went home in 2020.
That means that one animal goes to a new home every 26 minutes while they are open.
The shelter is located on 65 acres, which is owned outright by CAHS.
The CAHS shelter employs 48 people; 17 who are full-time.
Volunteers donate about 36,000 hours each year in support of our work.
In the first 11 years it will be open, the CAHS Spay & Neuter Clinic will perform more than 70,000 surgeries to prevent unwanted litters.
About 1 out of every 4 visiting people/families will adopt when they are here.
That's impressive. It comes at a cost. There are thousands of residents in mid Michigan who support the CAHS monetarily to keep the lights on at the shelter. They host a couple of fundraisers each year to help support the mission financially. The Fur Ball is always a blast and I am happy to say that in 2022, I attended the event, the CAHS set a record number for monetary donations. People care about animals. They also host the walk taking place at Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge this fall.
I've always loved animals and supported the CAHS. Being back on the air has been fun because we get to meet different animals each week. Here are some pics of the four legged pals that have visited the past several weeks. Support any way you can. Volunteer time, make a donation. Anything helps the CAHS with their mission.