Could Vaccine Passports Be Required For Live Entertainment Venues?
With large numbers of people getting vaccinated every day, questions are still being raised about the use of vaccine passports. What exactly is a vaccine passport? I don’t know that there is actually a vaccine passport yet, but you do get vaccine certificates when you get vaccinated to prove you are vaccinated. There is still a lot of talk about creating these vaccine passports and whether or how they will be used. Applications could vary from country to country. The Kent County Health Department has said this kind of policy decision wouldn’t come from your local health department, but more likely from the state or federal government.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has said there are no plans to mandate the vaccine at the state level. But local school districts, businesses and local cities would be able to create their own policies about the vaccines.
Richard MacKeigan who is the Regional General Manager for Van Andel Arena and Devos Place in Grand Rapids says they have discussed the idea and are not of the frame of mind that it would be something they would create.
“I think it is more likely that perhaps a health department might require, or a state might require, but I think more likely if it becomes a reality, it might be something that a touring artist might require, or a promoter might require. I think most likely it’s going to be a professional league — an NBA or an NHL. Then if that were to happen, then I could see many venues falling following suit,” MacKeigan explained.
He also says the Van Andel Arena and Devos Place are booking up fast and that gives him reason to be optimistic. He says it shows that agents, artists and managers all are ready to get back to work.
After all that has been learned during this pandemic, they can now offer a safer live show experience, and safe environment for all involved including the entertainers, athletes, guests and employees. They have installed a new environmental system maximizing air quality for the arena, convention center and theatre. I’m ready to go out and enjoy some live entertainment again. I’ll still take precautions to stay safe, but I’m all for live shows again.