Michigan Deer Hunters Are You Ready for Opening Day? There are New Rules!
Dawn tomorrow, November 15, it begins. Deer hunting season. Firearm deer hunting season, that is, because bow season began on the first of October. By the way, bow hunting season will end today and resume on December 1st with firearm season ending on November 30.
So, will there be many hunters out in the fields and woods? Are you kidding? Hundreds of thousands of deer hunters are gearing up for opening day. It's so big that you would swear that there had been a mass evacuation of cities because traffic will be so light.
Don't forget hunters - there are some new rules this year, and a new app that should make it much easier for hunters to report their kill, and maybe even safer, too. Fox 17 reported on the new DNR app and the extra step that comes with it.
Chad Stewart of the Michigan DNR said:
Now you’ve got to go one extra step and report that harvest. We’re asking you this year to try to get that report in within 72 hours. You can either report your kill online or report it through the Michigan DNR’s Hunt/Fish app. If you do not report your harvest online or through the app, you could face a misdemeanor; however, the DNR understands it could take some getting used to. Right now, our law enforcement division is emphasizing education over enforcement, so the likelihood that anyone will get, you know, some sort of penalty or anything for not reporting a deer is very, very small, and I would say extremely unlikely.
A lot of states have been doing this for a long time, so it's good that Michigan is getting on board. All the DNR is really doing is hoping to know the honest numbers of deer harvested.
Here is a handy-dandy YouTube video from the DNR to walk you through the entire reporting process.
For those of you hunters who aren't up to speed and need more information, CLICK HERE for everything you should know.
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