If you lived in Mid-Michigan in the late 1970s, you probably know who that serial killer is.

His name is Donald Miller and his brief reign of terror in the Lansing area began on  January 1st, 1977.

WILX has more on the serial killer, click here and see.

Miller's first victim was actually engaged to him.  Martha Sue Young, a 19-year-old student at Michigan State University.  Young had broken off her engagement to Miller only days before her murder.

When Miller began the killings he was a graduate student from MSU, who had majored in criminal justice.  The killer even worked as a security guard for a while, talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.

Due to a lack of evidence in a couple of the murders, Miller agreed to plead guilty to 2 counts of manslaughter, in exchange the killer led authorities to the bodies of two victims.  Former fiancee Martha Sue Young, and Kristine Stuart.  Some in law enforcement still believe that Donald Miller had even more victims, even though there was no evidence.

It was Millers' last attack on 2 siblings that finally got him arrested.  Miller broke into a home on Canal St. he raped a 14-year-old girl and then choked and stabbed her brother who was coming to her rescue. Lisa Miller was able to escape and flagged down help, one witness remembered Donald Millers' license plate number.  Police were then able to trace him to his East Lansing Apartment where he was arrested.

Donald Miller has been denied parole many times and yesterday he was denied parole for the 9th time.  I can't even begin to understand how victims and their family members deal with the idea of his parole.   Imagine living with that constantly hanging over your head.

A local author, and former Sargent with the Eaton County Sheriff  Department, Rod Sadler has written a book on the Michigan serial killer called 'KILLING WOMEN'.  If you like true crime stuff, this is a great read.


CHECK IT OUT: Here Are the 77 Most '70s Things About 1977


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