Inside an Abandoned Funeral Home in Flint
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
This dilapidated old building was once called the Reigle Sunset Chapel Funeral Home in Flint. Operating since the 1970s, it was bought out by John Collins and turned into the Collins Memorial Funeral Home, located at 4305 Clio Road.
The financial difficulties that the city of Flint was experiencing also affected the funeral homes. Collins filed bankruptcy a few times but somehow the debts kept piling up. Not able to cope, the funeral home shut down for good in 2006.
Exploring the old building, many things were left behind. Besides furniture, papers, and garbage, there was also embalming fluid, body slabs, and the cremated remains of a dozen people. Local authorities were notified of the ashes, but in the end, there was nothing illegal about it. The cremation remains were never claimed, so no charges were issued.
Suzanne Jolicoeur, licensing administrator for the Michigan Board of Mortuary Science, was quoted in an Mlive article, saying “Cremated human remains are essentially ashes and small pieces of bone and don't pose a risk to people”.
Since then, the funeral home has been demolished and in its place sits a Family Dollar. But you can still see what it looked like, in its worst state years after being closed and abandoned. Take a look at the gallery below!
Abandoned Funeral Home, Flint
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