Here in Greater Lansing and beyond in Michigan's Lower Peninsula, we’re seeing flooding and road closures and remain under a flood warning through tomorrow morning (NWS report here).  Several neighborhoods in Lansing are on alert for high water and some should be prepared to evacuate if it gets too bad.

The City of Lansing has a break-down here of the neighborhoods that are at potential for flooding.

Several roads are flooded this morning around the city. And of course, the whiplashing temperatures, significant snow melt and the steady rain is turning our ‘compromised roads’ into obstacle courses of tire survival…not all will win.

Please feel free to share your 'safely captured' photos of road craters on the WMMQ FB page. The NWS advises that when you encounter flooded roads, "Turn Around, Don't Drown" - most flood deaths occur in a vehicle.

Yesterday, ice falling from cables and towers forced officials to halt traffic on the

Mackinac Bridge for several hours.

WMMQ pal Andrew Eagle shared his pics of the Grand River in Old Town Lansing near the fish ladder yesterday, along with pics this morning of Jolly road just west of Aurelius, which he says has 8-10" of standing water on the road.

And a word of warning from Mr. Eagle, who has been driving through standing water this morning: if you do drive through standing water, you should ride your brakes a bit to 'dry them off' so they'll work like they're supposed to when you need them.


Flooding Pics Feb 2018 7
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 8


Bennett East of College Road
Bennett East of College Road


Pennsylvania Ave Lansing Pothole, FB pic courtesy Melisa Cheesman
Pothole Melisa Cheesmond FB Courtesy Photo
Pothole Melisa Cheesmond FB Courtesy Photo
Flooding at Jolly & Aurelius Feb 2018 Andrew Eagle
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 6
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 5
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 4
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 3
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 2
Flooding Pics Feb 2018 1
Pothole Melisa Cheesmond FB Courtesy Photo

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