Free High School Diploma and Job Training in Michigan
If lack of a high school diploma is in the way of a better job, a better life, but the right program at the right price has been hard to find - you might want to check out the '23+' program.
'23+' is a state funded program that offers free classes towards a diploma for people 23 years and older who have completed high school through the 10th grade, but didn't graduate. The '23+' program is facilitated by Graduation Alliance and also provides job training after graduation, specifically in the construction and healthcare fields.
There are a LOT of jobs available in Michigan in construction and health care. And depending on your situation, the path to a high school diploma and then job training can happen in a couple of months.
For more information, check out this link: http://www.michigan23.com/
Sometimes it can be something that seems SO big standing in our way, but if we start going at it one piece at a time, we'll get through it.