George Fisher is a Strange Michigan Missing Persons Case That Needs Your Attention
How does a person go missing for more than 4 years before police get notified? That is the troubling question as the heart of the case of George Fisher, a Michigan man missing for over 15 years.
Fisher is from the Gaylord area and went missing in 2002. His disappearance wasn't reported to police until 2006, a span of four years. It might not surprise you to learn that foul play is suspected in the disappearance.
The national Missing Persons Database maintained by NamUs.gov offers what scant information is available on the case.
- Last seen on January 1, 2002 in Gaylord
- Would be 58-years-old today
- He is a white male with brown hair that was usually shaved bald, he wore a mustache and goatee and has blue eyes.
- He is missing a left toe.
- Tattoos: Upper left arm-Heart with vine and roses
Upper right arm-Trail of Tears
Left Forearm-Eagle and American Flag
Right Forearm-unknown tattoo
Mark Schollett, a photojournalist with TV 7&4 is reporting on this case after so many years. He teased,
A detective searching for a ghost....a sister searching for answers. 15 years after he inexplicably disappeared...Where is George Fisher?
Schollett shared a few photos from the case including a rundown camper and a carved tree with initials in a heart GF (George Fisher) + CF (??).
UpNorthLive has the most detailed write up of the case that has ever appeared online. Again, everything comes back to that multi-year gap between his disapperance and being reported missing. That time lapse gave
George Fisher's possible trail to grow cold. That apparent lack of concern by some family members raised the questions for investigators: Did Fisher leave his property on his own free will to start a new life somewhere else or did he die here as the result of foul play?
There are only a few possible outcomes
He left of his own free will and[/or] killed himself or has died naturally or accidentally or something bad happened....
Since 2006 every known person that would know George has been interviewed. His sister, his 2 sons, his wife, the wife's new husband, other friends....
Those efforts turned up nothing. They also started chasing down possible leads in Arizona and Alaska, places George Fisher had possible connections. Again, nothing definitive for investigators to work with.
Real the full fascinating story from UpNorthLive.
This is one of those cases where you know someone knows something. The Gaylord post of the Michigan State Police runs point on the investigation.