Gov. Whitmer’s Stay At Home Order Facing Lawsuit
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's stay at home order is now facing a lawsuit from the Republican Legislature.
According to WOOD, there is not a lot of fun going on in Michigan's Capitol building in Lansing these days. Republicans are not happy with the governor's extension of the state of emergency order and how Whitmer put it in place.
Whitmer used a couple of past orders to claim the right to extend the order to help in the fight against COVID-19. One of those orders goes all the way back to a law from 1945 that allows the governor pretty broad emergency powers. Republicans claim the law is more for local issues but not statewide issues.
There is a second law that was put in place in 1976 that comes from the federal government that gives governors emergency powers but they are to end when the federal order ends. The Republicans are saying the order from the White House has been lifted but Whitmer continued with her order.
This lawsuit may not go anywhere because the President is also allowing governors to make their own calls, and legally you can't have it both ways, but I guess we all will soon find out what a judge will say.
Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield said in a news conference, "the governor chose to take an unprecedented and unconstitutional action choosing to go it alone."
Soon the courts will clarify whether or not Gov. Whitmer's actions are legal based on the laws in place at a state and federal level.
We will all learn more watching other states like Georgia and Texas that have already lifted their stay at home orders in the next 2-4 weeks. If Michigan's orders make it to the end of the month like planned, states may have some data to compare to others that opened early.

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