Growing up in the early seventies had it's advantages. Everyone knew their neighbor. Candy cigarettes were cool and not frowned upon. And kids actually went out for halloween. That's not to say that they don't now, but it just seems like a lot less are making there way out and about.

The thing that will forever stand out in my memory about those Halloween days gone are the horrible outfits that we had. The plastic masks that your parents would have to larger eye holes out for. The little hole in the mouth area that you could not resist sticking your tongue through. You know the one that would practically sheer the tip off when you retracted it!

The ill fitting, matching suit made of non breathable plastic that would either tear because you had to wear it over your snowmobile suit because it was snowing or would cause you to sweat profusely because of what would eventually be contributed to global warming because it was 80 degrees!

All good times that we will never forget. So share the description of your favorite plastic suit. And for the record, I was a pirate for three years in a row. Only because of the Johnny Bravo rule: "I fit the suit." 

Costume 2
Costume 1

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