Have You Ever Tried Eating Your Christmas Tree?
I thought I seen it all in 2020. Here we are in the infancy of 2021 and already I am like, "WHAT?" Ever since the dope became legal we are seeing all kinds of crazy s#!^!
Today is "National Take Down The Christmas Tree Day!" Today is the last of the12 days of Christmas.
Is your Christmas tree still up and you aren't sure what the heck to do with it?
Well, have you considered eating it? A new book just dropped called "How to Eat Your Christmas Tree." Click here to see I ain't full of Christmas cheer.
And by Jesus' Birthday, there is a Christmas tree pickle recipe. Also, you can get recipes for like a dozen dishes. One was called Christmas Cured Fish. To complete your Christmas Tree smorgasbord, they have Christmas Tree & Ginger Ice Cream that is sure to leave a mark when it makes it's abrupt exit. Have you ever wiped a pine needle? Doesn't sound fun. I think I'll just burn mine. Seriously, have you ever had to pull a pine needle that was stuck in your foot? How about pulling one out of where the sun don't shine? This book sounds like the perfect gift for your enemy... That will soon need an enema.
But enough about pine needles and buttholes, I bet it tastes like chicken.