How Much Alcohol Did Michiganders Knock Back Last Year?
Let's face it, we all found various pick-me-ups throughout 2020.
While some people baked bread and others tried meditation or yoga, more people probably just drank away their sorrows.
Alcohol really is a great way to take the "edge" off of a bad day or situation or to just elevate your mood when you want to have fun; however, on the flip side of that it is a dangerous road to go down and should be enjoyed responsibly.
That's why DrugAbuse.com wanted to look into just how many people were turning to some "liquid encouragement" to get through the pandemic.
MLive, citing the DrugAbuse.com study, reports that Michigan ranked in the top 10 of "states that consumed the most alcohol per person in 2020".
Alaska came in at number one at 1,404 drinks per person while we here in Michigan (ranked #10) were not too far behind at 956 drinks per person.
While that really may seem like a lot, we do have to consider that it was for the whole YEAR and if you're the type to drink a whole six-pack each Saturday or even just a glass (or bottle) of wine each night with dinner sure does add up.
To further make sense of all this and just how DrugAbuse.com was able to come to this conclusion, MLive breaks it down for us.
They say about a quarter of people in Michigan admitted to drinking more during things like stay-home orders and the bars being shut down.
DrugAbuse.com also found, in a survey of 3,000 "drinkers" that Michigan residents, on average, consumed 18 "standard size" adult beverages per week which is just one above the national average (17 per week).
For reference, and just as a general disclaimer, MLive reports that the CDC defines "heavy drinkng" as 14 drinks a week for men and seven for women.
All in all, drinking a bit more during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC is not inherently bad, however it is up to you to make sure being a "heavy drinker" does not become your way of life.
I know I enjoy drinking and while I may write/talk about alcohol quite a bit, I respect the dangers.
So enjoy that booze or don't, it's entirely up to you! We just all deserve to take a little break every now again in "these uncertain times."
If you do want to switch up your drink routine, here is some inspiration from around the United States:
What Are the Signature Drinks From Every State?
Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:

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