Irony Attacks! Ha Ha Clinton Dix Avoids Bears in His Driveway
One of the great names in football Ha-Ha Clinton-Dix survived a BEAR ATTACK! Well, not really but the dude had to high tail it from a few bears walking down his driveway. Ha-Ha was traveling to his car on a scooter? Man, rich people got it good.
Can you guess which team Ha-Ha played for last year? DA BEARS.
Ha-Ha's real name is Ha'Sean. He played for Nick Saban at Alabama. Then began his pro career for the Green Bay Slackers. The SLACKERS drafted him in the first round then traded him to Washington for a 4th round pick a few years later. This year he signed to play for the Dallas CowGIRLS, IF THERE IS FOOTBALL. Which there won't be.
I hate to be the one to point it out but 4 teams in 5 years? This Clinton-Dix gets around. He has bounced around the league in a short time. Clinton-Dix doesn't last long. Enjoy Clinton-Dix before he peters out and shrivels up.
Fun fact: He has a girlfriend named Monica. (Not really)
If you got that joke, your AAP information should be arriving shortly.
The incident made me think of this. Good thing he didn't play for the Lions.
More Bears and Candy you say?