Hi Idiots.

When you were a kid, was there something that "scarred you for life"? Something that left a mark on you, a "scar" that isn't physical but has stuck with you? This could be something serious, but it's more fun to hear wacky stories of moments that have stuck with you.


As Hot Wings points out, things pre-1980s were "incredibly f'ed up lunacy". It was basically impossible not to get scarred as a kid.

The Blob, the aliens from War of the Worlds, Sleestaks, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi, 101 Dalmatians, the Heffalumps from Winnie-the-Pooh, clowns, the characters from H.R. PufnStuf. The list is long.

Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures

So let's share a story of a time when Kelly Cheese was forced to watch Candyman as a kid. Now, if you know the scene I'm talking about you'll be happy to learn that Kelly was not afraid of bees after the movie. However, the scene did make her afraid there was someone out there with a belly full of bees that was going to get her.

Meanwhile, Free Beer had a similar experience when he watched Children of the Corn in 5th grade, got terrified by it, and then returned home to his house... which was completely surrounded by corn on nearly all sides. Maitlynn saw the original "It" and has created a fear of clowns she has today.

READ MORE: FBHW Show Discusses Time Travel on "Back to the Future Day" |

When you really think about it, you have to props to horror films from the Golden years of cinema. While the special effects don't match the quality of what it's like today, they managed to create genuine terror with practical effects that still haunt people today.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be turning on Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull and not watching the scene with the ants...gulp.

Free Beer and Hot Wings' Favorite Records

Each member of the show's favorite records to listen to.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Free Beer and Hot Wings Listeners' Halloween Decorations

Whose decorations are better, The Shows or our Listeners?

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill