Black Pigeon Studios, a rentable film and photo studio in Grand Rapids, Michigan, recently closed its doors after less than four years in operation.

Black Pigeon Studios
Black Pigeon Studios

The studio, founded by Josh Sikkema and his business partner Johnny McClain, provided a space for filmmakers and photographers to bring their projects to life.

Black Pigeon Studios
Black Pigeon Studios

The facility offered two cyclorama stages and a team of creative professionals dedicated allowing people to shoot commercials, documentaries, feature films, and more.

Black Pigeon Studios
Black Pigeon Studios
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Why Did Black Pigeon Studios Close?

The closure of Black Pigeon Studios came as a surprise to many, especially considering the studio's recent expansion and relocation to a new location earlier this year.

Black Pigeon Studios
Black Pigeon Studios

Despite the optimism surrounding the move, the studio faced challenges that ultimately led to its closure.


Black Pigeon Studios received an eviction notice, which marked the beginning of the end for the studio.

Josh Sikkema shared a thank you on his Facebook page.

Black Pigeon Studios Positive About The Future

Black Pigeon Studios
Black Pigeon Studios

In response to the closure, Josh Sikkema expressed positivity and resilience, stating,

We are staying positive and looking forward to the future. We are grateful for the support we have received from the community and are exploring new opportunities in the industry

I got the chance to meet Josh Sikkema when I first moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and was blown away by his drive and talent back then.

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Black Pigeon Studios

While the closure of Black Pigeon Studios is disappointing, I look forward to seeing what he and his co-founder have in store for the future of film in Michigan.

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Gallery Credit: Big Joe Pesh