Michigan Thrill-Seekers: Cedar Point’s New Coaster, Siren’s Curse
Just when you thought there weren't any new or innovative ways for Michiganders to get an adrenaline rush, Cedar Point unveiled its latest ride, the Siren's Curse. The newest rollercoaster to grace the Ohio theme park is the latest rage in thrill-seeking technology—the tilt coaster.
RELATED: Ready to Ride? The Tallest Rollercoaster in Michigan
Tilt coasters are when the coaster climbs a 160-foot hill, approaches a steep drop, stops right at the edge, and then (the real fun begins) the entire track tilts towards the business end of gravity, suspending you and it in the air at a 90-degree angle before lining up with a second set of tracks and that launch you straight down from 160 feet in the air (see a CGI video of the entire ride below).
Hold On Tight—Or Don't, It Won't Matter
Michigan thrill-seekers will be happy to know that Cedar Points Siren's Curse is North America's tallest, longest, and fastest tilt coaster. Reaching speeds of 58 miles per hour, this ride has no less than 13 airtime moments (when you're just floating in your seat and hoping your safety harness is secure).

Cedar Point's website says you can expect a "high-speed 'triple-down' element." I'm not sure what that is, but I guess it will give Michigan's tilt-coaster enthusiasts the rush they yearn for. The ride also features car speakers that play the eerie melodies of sirens, the coaster's namesake, who, according to myth, used them to lure Lake Erie sailors to a watery grave.
Siren's Curst Opens in 2025
According to the Akron Beacon Journal, Cedar Point's tentative opening date is May 3. It isn't clear whether Siren's Song will be open and ready to ride then, but the park's website says it will be terrifying passengers in 2025.
RELATED: Michigan’s First Ever Inverted Roller Coaster Made in '79
Want more? Here's a CGI look at what the experience will look like.