How safe can an old house be that’s been sitting in the deep woods, taken over by trees, bushes, weeds, and grass.....and subjected to all sorts of brow-beating weather over the last 45 years? Not very safe, definitely.

This crumbling abandoned residence lies in eastern Ohio in an undisclosed location. Deserted in the 1980s, yes, but according to the videographer, most of the things on the inside look like they are from the 1960s. The house was built in 1860 and lasted 120 years until it was left abandoned.

The wood is extremely rotted and pungent moisture is detected throughout...that can’t be healthy to keep breathing without a mask.

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For those who have seen the original Blair Witch movie, you recall that creepy house in the woods; well, this is equal to that one. Creepier, in fact.

In the gallery below, you’ll see it all: the old-fashioned staircase, crumbling underfoot; dented pots and pans all over the kitchen floor, the old woodworking, peeling paint, treacherous steps, old newspapers from 1988 and more discarded items reveal 120 years of residence. Now wide open to the wildlife, foliage, and earth to take over permanently.

Creepy House in the Ohio Woods


Abandoned Millionaire's Mansion: Dayton, Ohio

Abandoned College Library, Toledo Ohio

Michigan-Ohio-Indiana Border