Well, son of a--biscuit eater, would you look at that? It seems one of Michigan's finest cities has again ranked in a less than illustrious top ten. This time around, a Mitten State metro has been ranked as one of the nation's ten most foul-mouthed. Shot.

RELATED: Michigan City Ranked as One of the Rudest in America

The grammar gurus at Word.Tips analyzed 1.7 million English-language tweets on the social media platform X to find the number of swear words used per thousand tweets, and it seems the United States is more than just the world center of democracy; it's also the Capital of Cussing.

Michigander's Exposed to More Swearing Thanks to Social Media

A phone is seen with likes, hearts, hashtags and emojis coming from it sitting next to a swear jar.

According to WordTips research, United States residents use an average of 41.6 cuss words per 1,000 tweets. The UK was second, with 28.6. What the--fudge? How is it that the good ol' USA (and one very naughty Michigan city) happens to have the worst potty mouth in the country?

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It's because we love social media, which gives us access to an entire world of casual and leisurely language, which seems to have a vibrant and colorful way of describing the world's wonders. Cussing. Lots and lots of cussing.

The Top Ten Most Foul-Mouthed Cities in the USA Includes Michigan City

A person drops a coin into a glass container labeled SWEAR JAR

Honestly, it shouldn't come as a shock when you see which city in Michigan ranks #4 for swearing in America. Just look at the sports teams that call it home, and you'll realize that Detroit gives Michiganders a slew of reasons to swear.

I was a bit shocked that the Motor City didn't take the number slot, but after seeing who made up the top 3, I understood why.

The Top 10 Most Fouled Mouth Cities in America

To find the locations that swear the most, Word.Tips analyzed 1.7 million geotagged English tweets using a list of 1,600 profanities. They filtered out generic words and limited it to one tweet per user, completing the study in May 2024. For the full methodology and additional insights from Word.Tips, see the link in the #1 entry.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

The Rudest Cities In America

The language experts at Preply have researched and conducted surveys to determine which city is the rudest in the nation. Here's a look at Preply's 2024 Rudest Cities in America (for full methodology and more insights, see the link in the #1 rudest city in the country).

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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