Arrested for drunk driving in Michigan?

If it's in one of a certain 10 Michigan counties, you've got a 40% chance of getting off without being convicted.

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How Many People Are Arrested for DUI in Michigan Each Year?

According to Total Court Services, Michigan recorded 25,830 DUI arrests in 2020 (the most recent year for which data was available).

There were 20,602 DUI convictions across Michigan in 2020, resulting in a conviction rate of around 80% for the state as a whole.

RELATED: Complete List of the Drunkest Cities in Michigan

Some counties registered a higher number of DUI convictions in 2020 than they did actual DUI arrests (this could be for a variety of reasons, including convictions on arrests made in 2019 or earlier). For instance, between Ludington and Muskegon, law enforcement authorities arrested 80 people for DUI in Oceana County in 2020; compare that to 106 convictions for DUI there the same year.

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Which Michigan Counties Are Weakest on Drunk Drivers?

Unlike Oceana County, there are some counties in Michigan where there are considerably more arrests for DUI than there are actual convictions. In two particular Michigan counties, less than half the number of people arrested for DUI in 2020 ended up being convicted.

SEE ALSO: Driving Drunk: Car Models with the Most DUIs

The data below tells the story. The counties listed nearest the top are toughest on drunk drivers; the counties indicated nearest the bottom are those where the DUI conviction rate lags furthest behind the number of DUI arrests in that particular county.

Which Michigan Counties Are Weakest on Drunk Drivers?

Here are all 83 Michigan counties ranked by the percentage of drunk driving convictions they registered in 2020 (the most recent year for which data was available) as compared to the number of DUI arrests that were made in that county that year. The county at #1 is toughest on drunk drivers; the county at #83 is weakest. Data courtesy of

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