Why Are The Grand Rapids & Kalamazoo Civic Theaters Haunted?!
It may not be Halloween but it is getting real spooky in West Michigan.
As I was scrolling on Twitter, I came across a haunted discovery.
If you have been inside the Grand Rapids Civic Theater, you may know this.
However, if you did not, be prepared to be creeped out slightly.
Did you know that the Civic Theater is haunted?
Grand Rapids Civic Theater
It has been rumored that the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre is haunted.
It is so well-known that the theatre employees are even getting into the fun.
According to Scary HQ, there have been several "spooky" things that have happened within the GR Civic Theatre.
"Reports of an "evil presence" in the peanut gallery, gels flap in the lights, and people have been seen in the side bays or ducking behind curtains."
If that doesn't convince you, Pocket Sights also has sightings.
"The Civic Theater of downtown Grand Rapids is bursting with life and color, but even the brightest things have dark spots we can't always see. Feelings of regret, sadness, and anger permeate the upper balconies, and reports of being watched from darkened corners of the stage have come forward...It would seem the spirit of the theater comes from more than just the lively performers."
However, this is not the only Civic Theater that is haunted in West Michigan.
Kalamazoo Civic Theater
Many people know of the ghost that haunts the halls of the Civic Theatre in downtown Kalamazoo.
The ghost is said to be Thelma Mertz, who was apparently part of a program at Chenery Auditorium.
It is rumored that Thelma fell off of Chenery's prop deck and her spirit came over once the main stage was built in Civic.
There are several ghostly accounts that have been shared and MLive compiled a list of the encounters.
There is one woman named Janet Gover that had multiple creepy experiences.
In the '80s, Janet was running sound for a production of "Deathtrap" and she saw the "figure of a person" in the black and white feed of a monitor ded by a camera that was trained on the stage. However, the stage was empty at the time.
Her second encounter was in the next decade, when she was onstage and in the middle of a scene, she said that she felt like someone was pulling her hat off. Eventually, the hat fell off of her head.
Do you think these Civic Theaters are truly haunted?