Jackson Police Join Protests As Demonstrations Remain Peaceful
As protests in response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and against police brutality break out around the country, Jackson's remained peaceful.
Many of these "riots" began as peaceful marches until secondary groups made their way in with intentions to loot and be destructive, however, that was not the case in my hometown of Jackson, Michigan.
Taking Flint's example, there were rumors among the plans for the peaceful protests that police and the mayor of Jackson were in full support.
As MLive reports, Jackson actually had two protests, one beginning at 1 p.m. on Monday, June 1st outside the Jackson Police Department and the other at 3:30 p.m.at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. and High St.
More than 400 people were in attendance for the day of marches, speeches and spreading a message of peace, including:
- Mayor Derek Dobies - Spoke at the first protest and attended the second
- Interim City Manager Jonathon Greene - Attended with Mayor Dobies
- Pastor James Hines, Lily Missionary Baptist Church - Led the first protest
- Jackson Police and Fire Services Director Elmer Hitt - Attended second protest
- Blackman-Leoni Public Safety Director Mike Jester - Attended second protest
- No police in riot gear
Hitt and Jester, while attending the second protest, also talked with those in attendance and had a very open and honest dialogue and answering questions.
One protester said into a megaphone, “We want – when we get pulled over, we don’t get jitters in our stomach, feeling like we’re going to get murdered."
You can read the whole story about the day by CLICKING HERE but I would just like to add just how proud of my town for being such a great example of how to use our voices for change and get people to listen.
Thank you, Jackson, for being such a tight-knit community and a force for change.

SEE MORE: 26 Moving Pictures From The Flint Protest
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