Job Fair Comes To Owosso
For those looking for employment, Owosso will be hosting multiple Shiawassee County employers at a job fair on Tuesday March 10th. Some of the jobs available are a bit different and something on the unusual side. Like Josh's Frogs LLC, they are hiring insect husbandry technicians, Amazon marketing specialist, greenhouse/nursery live plant technician and other 'fauna related' opportunities. See, that is something different.
Wheeler Trucking is hiring, and offering good paying jobs.
Visiting Angels: America's Choice in Home Care is looking to fill positions.
Prolime Corporation is hiring for the Warehouse, Truck Drivers at competitive wages.
Indian Trails is hiring Full-Time drivers in several cities.
The job fair is from 11am to 3pm at the Michigan Department of Labor Employment building on West Main in Owosso. Attendees are asked to bring a resume and be prepared for interviews.