Lansing Party Bus Owner Gets Year in Jail
The Lansing State Journal reports that 36 year old Christopher Staggs, embattled owner of the Lansing Party Bus, was sentenced yesterday to a year in jail for his conviction of operating a vehicle without insurance.That was in connection with a traffic stop in December of last year.
Unrelated to that incident, you may recall that the Lansing Party bus was taking a large group of Michigan State University students on an adventure near St. Johns about a year ago when the group was stopped by police. There were citations issued for no insurance, etc. The group of students got stranded when the buses were halted. Staggs was hit with four misdemeanor charges in connection with that debacle; eventually those charges were reduced.
I am not certin if the confiscated Lansing Party Bus is still up for auction - it didn't sell the first time the sheriff's county put it up for sale.