Love Ruling Hell for a Day or an Hour!
Have you ever wanted to be mayor of anywhere in Michigan? Think you've been to hell and back? You can be the mayor of Hell, Michigan for a day, or an hour!
Can you imagine ruling a city for a day? How about ruling Hell for a day, or an hour? We've all thought that we've been to hell and back but to be honest I have never been to Hell, MI. That's a pretty awesome name for a town in my opinion.
Here's the thing, if you want to be the mayor of Hell, you won't get paid. In fact you will pay to be the mayor of Hell. How that looks on a resume, I'm not sure. Being a mayor has got to give you some sort of street cred. Can you imagine the headhunters that will hone in on the keyword "mayor"? This could open doors for you if you choose to be mayor of Hell!
What qualifications do you need to be Mayor of Hell?
One might thing that a big sinner would be a good fit for mayor! That's not the case, anyone can do it!
Go To Hell Michigan says:
You can elect yourself, or someone else as this makes a great gift for those who have everything! But be forewarned, serve us well or we will impeach you the same day! Actually, what the Hell, we will impeach you anyway.
Our Full-Day Term Mayor of Hell receives horns, T-shirt, mug, badge, wallet card, property ownership in Hell along with dirt from Hell, proclamation certificates for being Mayor and for being impeached, your name all over Hell, and, of course, duties as required for the official position! Our mini-term Mayor of Hell for an Hour receives both certificates and the mug.
It only costs $100 for a full day term, including your impeachement at the end of your day. If you or someone you love wants to be mayor of Hell, Michigan you can sign up here.