Add Grand Ledge to the List of Schools Making Mask Wearing Mandatory
The coronavirus numbers in Michigan are growing as our kids are getting ready to head back to school and in-person learning.
At Monday night's school board meeting, the vote was 5 - 2, in favor of mask mandates for all Grand Ledge students, staff, and faculty. This comes as Michigan's coronavirus numbers are up and we now face the highly contagious Delta variant.
Our summer in Michigan started with coronavirus numbers dropping, and it looked like we were about to get back to our normal lives. That was very short-lived.
Mid-Michigan schools are now facing the decision to have everyone wear masks or not. Grand Ledge schools are not alone with their decision, Lansing, Okemos, and Holt schools have all made mask-wearing mandatory for this school year.
Michigan State University will require all students and staff to be vaccinated and masks must be worn while inside.
The University of Michigan also requires students and staff, in Ann Arbor and satellite campus locations to be vaccinated.
Wayne State University will also require staff and students to be vaccinated against COVID-19
Albion College will also be requiring the COVID-19 vaccination before returning to campus for the fall semester.
Western Michigan, Delta College, Grand Valley, Saginaw Valley, Ferris State, Mott Community College, and Lansing Community College say mask-wearing is mandatory while inside, regardless of your vaccination status.
It is not just schools that have changed their mask policies, the City of Lansing is requiring all employees to mask up when dealing with the public and indoors, especially if you are not able to social distance.
If you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, vaccination sites are available all around Mid-Michigan.
With the number of coronavirus cases on the rise, and hospitals filling up with patients, be smart-be safe and get the damn shot.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
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