10 Popular Michigan Industrial Odors That Are Awesome
Some smells are better than others. Michigan has a lot of good scents that you can smell because of the lakes, trees and vegetation. Michigan also has some industrial odors that are welcome to my nose.
Maybe the odors remind me of good memories from growing up, maybe I'm just weird. I like the smell of certain industrial products that others might find repulsive. I associate these odors with memories with my family and spending time with my grandpa. What kind of odors spark a memory of your past when you smell them?
DO NOT huff or inhale these odors to get high. That's stupid and you could die. If you smell them when you are in their presence, that's a different story.
10 Popular Michigan Industrial Odors That Are Awesome
I love the aroma of fresh paved asphalt. That scent reminds me of my grandma. She liked the smell of it too. I also like the smell of hot asphalt roads during the hot summer days.
The exhaust from a city bus reminds me of spending time in downtown Chicago when I was a kid. Buses are cleaner and better for the environment nowadays but you can still smell the burning fuel.
Car Wash
It's good to get the car clean and I get the added bonus of enjoying the aroma of the car wash. The scents of the cleaning products bring me back to childhood.
Gasoline is toxic and it's extremely flammable. That aside, gas smells good. I don't like spending the money to fill up my tank but I do like the smell. Putting some gasoline in the lawn mower is an added bonus.
Markers nowadays are essentially scent free. I loved coloring with markers when I was growing up. Today's kids won't get light headed coloring that Christmas tree for a school project.
Model Glue
I built toy model airplanes growing up as a kid. Testors model glue was strong, it burnt the nose hairs but it still smelled good.
Spray Paint
Whenever my dad had to spray paint anything he always wanted to do it in the garage, it had better air flow. Spray paint is an aroma either you love or hate. I love it.
Trains, like buses, have a unique aroma. The burning diesel fuel smells good to me but it's bad for the environment.
True Value Hardware
I visit the True Value in Haslett. Every time I walk into the store I am swept back to being 4 years old and visiting True Value Hardware with my grandma. She used to work at one and we'd visit her coworkers. The scent of the fertilizer, lumber and other hardware needs makes for a unique smell at True Value.
Wood Stain
Some of my favorite memories are of helping my dad stain wood. Minwax stain was a big part of my childhood because my parents flipped houses and I had a lot of wood to stain.