Michigan Ranks in Top 10 for 420 States
The marijuana is booming across the United States. Never in a million years did I think I'd see this during my lifetime. With so many states making the "devil's lettuce" legal, which states are the "kindest"?
I don't burn anymore but I can understand why it is legal. I have multiple sclerosis and that is one of the diseases that I can get my med card for. I never did. I enjoyed it the old fashioned way with a little paranoia on the drive home. The medicinal properties of marijuana are priceless. It helped with my neuropathy and for patients fighting other diseases it can help stimulate appetite and relax you, even help you sleep.
I think that common sense kicked in for our lawmakers and they realized that a lot more people use marijuana then don't. I also think some of them smoke the ganj too. So they did the right thing and legalized it for recreational use in Michigan too, medicinal use was voted into law in 2008.
The tax on the industry is also good for the state of Michigan. It's free money for the state.
What is happening now is way too many dispensaries opened up. Pricing is now getting competitive because of the supply. If there's too much weed, someone's gonna have to lower prices to move the product. That works out well for the consumer.
Read about the Best Dispenseries in Lansing.
Other industries effected in a positive way by the legalization of marijuana in Michigan include fast food, nachos and ice cream.
When it comes the top states that allos marijuana use, Michigan ranks in the top 10 according to Seeker.
Top 10 Friendly 420 States
1. California
When it comes to recreational weed legalization and use, California hits the tops. California was the first state to legalize marijuna for medical use in 1996. California has the largest cannabis market in the U.S.
2. Colorado
Colorado was the first to legalize marijuana for recreational use in the U.S. Well done. They also have places to smoke it too unlike other states.
3. Illinois
It took a minute but Illinois is on the move! Illinois first legalized cannabis for medical use in 2014, with recreational marijuana use passing in 2019. Chicago has plenty of options and they are poised to take the number 1 spot.
4. Nevada
There's cool cannabis conventions in Vegas and you can find an ounce for about $270. That seems pricey but it's Nevada.
5. Oregon
I've heard the stories. Oregon is great for weed and for mushrooms. Average cost for an ounce is about $210.
6. Washington
The state legalized medical marijuana use in 1998, with recreational use following in 2012. Consumption of cannabis in dispensaries and lounges is not allowed. Washington does have weed-friendly lodges, hotels, and Airbnb’s. An ounce of weed in Washington goes for about $232.00.
7. Alaska
Come on, watching whales and burning down? Sounds good. The average ounce costs roughly $297.00. Considering the scenery that's a good deal.
8. Massachusetts
Medical marijuana use has been legal in Massachusetts since 2012, and in 2016, recreational marijuana use went into full effect. If you are 21 or over you can stock up, up to 1 ounce of weed at a time. Walk around the historic districts and burn, it's a steap cost, about $339.00 an ounce.
9. Michigan
There WE are! Michigan legalized medical marijuana use in 2008 and recreational marijuana in 2018. Favorable tax rates for pot related businesses too. An ounce of weed in Michigan will run you about $289.00 but with the state being saturated with "shops" the price can be more affordable.
10. New York
On March 31, 2021, New York became the 16th 420 friendly state with its passage of legalized recreational marijuana use. They aren't messing around in New York, “The bill allows for individuals 21 and older to possess up to 3 ounces of cannabis and 24 grams of cannabis concentrate outside the home. It also allows for individuals to grow up to six plants in their homes—three mature plants and three immature plants—with a cap of six mature plants and six immature plants per household.” Weed is pricey in New York, an ounce will cost you about $339.
If you're up late burning down, check out the Lansing area restaurants open "late night".