Presenting Michigan’s Rest Stop Candle Scents You Won’t Love
Michigan has 77 rest stops throughout the state. 14 of these rest stops are welcome centers. Some rest stops are nicer than others and some smell worse than anything you've ever smelled. If Michigan rest stops were featured candle scents, these would be your choices.
The Winter WTF
This candle would be for January thru March. Stopping at a rest stop in Michigan during your winter travels can be unpleasant. It's odd how rest stop bathrooms smell in the winter. Is it the cold air that makes the notes hit our nose especially hard?
The Springtime Rest Stop Rise Up
Rest stops in the spring are like our homes and garages. They get damp, they get moist. The stench of the rest stop soaks into your clothing while you are trying to take care of business.
Michigan's Summer Swass
With all of the travel of summer, hot temps, humidity and campers there's no question that rest stops in the summer smell ripe. Everybody is sweating and running to the bathroom and we hope that they make it to the toilet. Swass... it's a swampy odor.
Michigan's Festive Fecal Fall
Yeah, it sounds bad. There really isn't a time that is the best for odors at rest stops but if there was it would be fall. Nice moderate temperatures that keep odors at bay. If you're lucky you might get a sniff of someone's PSL when you're downloading the brown report.
Michigan's Holiday Holy Sh&*
I cannot tell you how many times I have walked into a rest stop bathroom and exclaimed, "Holy Sh&*". Sometimes it smells like someone ate a dead body and that's the reaction I get.