Michigan’s Most Stolen Road Signs Are Popular In U.S. Rankings
Michigan's roads and highways have some interesting names. Some of Michigan's road names are hilarious and their road signs are sought after. Three of Michigan's most stolen road signs rank in the Top 11 of the most stolen in the U.S.
Let's be serious for a minute. We've all been idiots in the past. We've probably done some things in our younger years that we hope our kids don't repeat. When we did stupid stuff we didn't consider the consequenes.
What criminal charges do I face in Michigan for stealing a road sign?
When the state whips out terms like Penal Code, you better look out.
(1) A person who willfully and maliciously damages, destroys, injures, defaces, dismantles, tampers with, or removes a traffic control device is guilty of a crime as follows:(a) Except as provided in subdivisions (b) and (c), the person is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both.
Michigan's Most Stolen Road Signs Because They're Funny
Climax is in Kalamazoo County south of I-94. I have passed this exit tons of times. The thought of stealing it when I was younger was definitely there. Nowadays I don't want any trouble with the Penal Code.
Think about it.................
Michigan's 3 Most Stolen Road Signs Rank Top 11 In U.S.
11 Points had a fun way to put together the data of the most stolen road signs in America.
There’s no real way to quantify the most stolen street signs in the U.S.; it’s hard enough for the FBI to get every state to consistently and thoroughly report even basic major crime numbers. We can only conjecture on the suspects; people trying to look cool by stealing cool street signs. So I built this list anecdotally, by searching around for signs that drew some media attention for being frequently stolen.
#11 - Hell, MI
The beauty of Hell, MI is that you can say "I went to Hell and back today" and mean it. Get married in Hell!
#10 - Justin Bieber Way, Forney, TX
#9 - Mullet Place, Green Bay, WI
#8 - Anything Marijuana Related
We have a High Street in town. There's a really good chance you have a High Street too.
#7 - Exit 69 - Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI
If it were merely Exit 69, that would probably be enough to get the sign stolen. If it were merely Big Beaver Road, that would probably be enough to get the sign stolen. But I daresay the combination makes this the most steal-able sign in the country, one that no teenage boy could resist.
#6 - Route 666, Utah – Colorado – New Mexico
#5 - Joey Ramone Place, New York, NY
#4 - Intercourse, PA
#3 - Forks, WA
#2 - NE Flanders St., Portland, OR
Obviously it's easy to add the D to make it Ned Flanders St.