While going through my email on Sunday evening, I received a message from Jeremy Prins. He wrote that he catches my outdoors show "Wild Michigan" on our Grand Rapids affiliate, from time to time. He sent a link to his song titled "Northern Michigan" and offered it for use as bumper music going in and out of segments.

Having done the show for the past 13 years, we are constantly receiving offers to try new gadgets or here new parody songs that people have created for the outdoors minded that listen to the show. I have to admit, its very rare that any of them make it very far past the computer screen.

For some reason, I clicked without hesitation and gave the song a listen. Prins' voice is very unique yet familiar. The soft acoustic guitar and lyrics are like a warm invitation to pack things up and move north. Something my wife Sara and I dream and talk about on a daily basis.

I know there are many talented people who play and write music, that deserve to be "on the radio." Sadly, I think those days are long behind us. So to make up for it in the only way I can, I am happy to present to you, Jeremy Prins and "Northern Michigan."


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