Lansing’s Old Town Marquee is Closed and Being Replaced By Two Places to Shop
Sadly, another Lansing business has closed its doors for the last time.
I was in Old Town Lansing over the weekend and saw a sight that made me tear up a bit; the Old Town Marquee in Old Town Lansing is permanently closed.
The Old Town Marquee is Permanently Closed
This might be old news to some, as the Old Town Marquee's website states that they would be closing permanently at the end of December 2021, but this was the first I had heard of this.
If you didn't know, the Old Town Marquee primarily hosted wedding receptions and the like. As a matter of fact, I hosted my wedding reception there (hence why I was a bit misty-eyed when I saw the signs that said they were closed). And since typical weddings and their celebrations haven't been happening over the last couple of years due to Covid, the Old Town Marquee had to permanently close.

The silver lining to this dark cloud is that two new(ish) businesses will be taking over the old space.
New Stores Coming to Old Town Lansing
The windows of the Old Town Marquee were covered in multiple signs signaling the introduction of the two new businesses. The first; Bradly's HG, a home store (Bradly's isn't new to Old Town, but it will be new to this location, as it's moving in from down the road). The second; Birch Rak Clothier, a men's clothing store.
According to the signs, we can anticipate the two stores to open sometime in late February.
While I am personally saddened at the closing of the Old Town Marquee, I understand that change is inevitable. Hopefully, the two new stores will do well.
If hearing about the closure of the Old Town Marquee makes you curious about the other closures that have happened throughout Lansing, we put together a list of Lansing restaurants that are no longer around.
Lansing's Old Town Marquee is Closed and Being Replaced By Two Places to Shop
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