Oxford Study: Michigan Stay Home Order Greatly Reduced Death Toll
It was around St. Patrick's Day and I was getting some serious cold feet. Maitlynn and I had planned to do a 4 hour live show at the Claddaugh Irish Pub in the Eastwood Town Center. The Saturday prior, I was doing a live broadcast at Your CBD Store. I had a small panic attack before going but seriously, some of that CBD put the ol warm blanket on my anxiety about being in public during a pandemic.
Before the event, I called and cancelled my appearance at St. Patrick's Day. I got lucky at the CBD Store event, a crowded bar was another animal. Then, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer closed down the bars on the 16th and we were all sent home March 22nd as the order went into place on the 23rd. I was grateful to be sent home to work, where I still am.
All you have to do is look at the current numbers to see the order saved THOUSANDS of lives. At one point, Michigan had the third most cases in America. Currently 16 states have more active cases.
Now, Oxford University came out with a study that said the order saved tens of thousands of lives. The deaths could have been up to 90 percent worse. Click here to see all that. Click here to see the Michigan version of the story.
It's being reported by Bridemi.com that 19 employees who were contracted in to help with the flood recovery tested positive and brought the virus back to Michigan. The workers have since left the state but who knows who they spread it to.