I love being a dad. Nothing brings me more joy than watching my sons grow up. Being a parent means that you need to communicate with your children. We ask our kids questions everyday and here's what Michigan parents ask their kids.

Some of the questions I ask my kids are repetitive, most likely because they are still working on remembering stuff. Daily tasks are often asked about, I'm sure that my parents did the same with me, I was a forgetful kid once too.

Other questions I ask are genuine questions about them. I really do want to know the answers to these questions, it's not just small talk. I don't ask questions that I don't need or want answers to.

Let's be real, there is an age that kids start giving up on replying. Sometimes I might only get a "yeah" or a "meh". I have to pause for a minute and realize that I did the same thing when I was a kid and that my kids are just being kids.

6 Questions That Michigan Parents Ask Their Kids

Doubtful Woman holding Question Mark
William Perugini/Getty Images

Where are you going and with who?

Yes, this is a question I ask my kids daily when they are heading out to have fun for the day. I remember my mom using the word "whom". I think that changed the tone of the question.

Immigrant Families Celebrate Thanksgiving In Connecticut
Getty Images

What do you want for dinner?

We are all picky eaters at our home. We like to get input from the kids about what they would like to eat.

Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash
Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

How was your day?

Parents like to know how their kids' day was. Was it good, bad or ugly? It helps open up other lines of communication.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Did you wash your hands?

Wash your hands and sing happy birthday twice. This is a favorite question of all parents, said no parent.


Did you take a shower?

Kids need to be reminded about hygiene. I didn't like taking a bath or shower either. This is a question often heard daily throughout households in Michigan.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Did you brush your teeth?

Hopefully this is a question I won't have to ask soon. Kids don't like brushing their teeth. Have them smell their own breath. That could do the trick.

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