Shop Lansing, Buying Furniture On Amazon Is A Horrific Ordeal
Recently I had a terrible experience with something our family ordered on Amazon. It was a great reminder to me to shop local in Lansing to avoid a ton of frustration. I will be suporting local when it comes to buying furniture moving forward.
We moved into our home in March and we are still settling in. One thing we knew we needed to do was get our son a new bed that would free up more space in his bedroom so he could have some room to move around, play and hang out. We decided on a loft bed.
After my wife and son sat down and picked a bed for him, they made the order. The bed arrived quickly and it was another task that needed to get done. My wife and I unpackaged the bed from the two boxes it came in. That took 90+ minutes to do. Then came the directions and the assembly.
I jokingly looked at my wife and said, "we should have this done in 90 minutes." She gave me a pale stare and said, "ok, if you think so." The sarcasm was oozing in her response, we set off to build the new loft bed. Little did I know I was capable of the cursing that came out of my mouth.
We ran into issues with parts not being labeled, holes not pre drilled and missing hardware. We had two stages of the bed built with the parts that we assumed we should use because they came unlabeled. As it turns out, we were wrong and had to take it apart and go back to stage one. That was incredibly frustrating. Then came the hardware that was missing for the bed. While drilling holes is easy to do, I have the bits, the hardware is a key component. I ended up going to Home Depot a couple of times to get the hardware needed to finish the job, I ended purchasing better hardware for the bed at Home Depot.
We put in a solid 8+ hours on Sunday and we were far from done. The pic above shows our progress and we were exhausted, frustrated and done for the day. The light in his room will be the next thing to go.
On Monday, with the right hardware, we were able to complete the job. 12+ hours to build a bed is ridiculous and asnine. I am not a moron and have mechanical aptitude. We were proud of ourselves but will never, ever buy furniture again from Amazon.
This is the one and only time I have bought furniture from Amazon and it was a great reminder to me to shop any number of the great furniture stores in the Lansing area. When you buy local you can have the furniture delivered and assembled by the store you ordered it from. You can also talk to a human being if problems arise.
Another co worker asked me about the "final result". It took me by surprise because after hearing me bitch about it she genuinely wanted to know "how it turned out". That's when I took a step back and realized that with all of the frustration that came with building this beast, the final result was priceless because our son loves his new bed.
I will continue to order basic things from Amazon because of the convenience.
Shopping local in Lansing is where it's at, at least you can talk to somebody if you have an issue with your new furniture.