My Honey was giddy when he peeled back the husk on this ear of corn over the weekend to discover a blob of ick growing on it. "Corn smut!", he declared, laughing with delight?

My reply, paraphrased, was "What?!?"

Wikipedia describes it in full detail here, also indicating that the fungus is a delicacy in Mexico. He told me that most people think it ruins the corn, but many chefs think it's a delicious treat.

The blob pictured above is pretty benign compared to some of the corn fungus in these pics.

He ate it. I did not.

Our friend and co-worker Alex just walked by the studio while we were looking at the really nasty pics in the link above and said they get that every year on some of their corn crop. He said he'll look for some for me to give My Honey.

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