Stockbridge High School Class of 1973 Reunion
1973 saw the release of Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon", Alice Cooper's "Billion Dollar Babies" and Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road".
That was also the year that our pal Joe Williams graduated from Stockbridge High School and he wanted to put the word out that they're having the 1973 Stockbridge High School Class Reunion.
The party is planned for May 19, 2018 at Hankerd Hills Golf Course and Restaurant in Pleasant Lake, starting at 6:00 PM.
Reach out to your peeps and let them know about the chance to resurrect the old stories, remember the escapades and see "how everyone turned out".
If you'd like to let us know about your upcoming high school reunions, fundraisers, community events, etc, feel free to email me at deb.hart@wmmq.com or send a message via the WMMQ Facebook page.
We'd love to hear your stories, too, about what happened the last time you went to your class reunion!
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