Bad Drivers in Michigan To Blame For Your Insurance Rates Going UpBad Drivers in Michigan To Blame For Your Insurance Rates Going UpYes, you can blame that guy who cut you off for why your auto insurance is going upLaura HardyLaura Hardy
Michigan Car Insurance Rates Now 4th Highest in NationMichigan Car Insurance Rates Now 4th Highest in NationMichigan used to have the highest car insurance rates in the entire nation, but three states have now surpassed it.JRJR
Great News! Michigan Insurance Refund Checks Begin THIS WEEKGreat News! Michigan Insurance Refund Checks Begin THIS WEEKEarlier this week we told you the deadline to get the checks to you was May 9th. Now news that some of you will be seeing your refunds THIS WEEK. Just in time for rising gas prices and an insurance rate hike. LargeLarge
Governor Whitmer Wants To Give Michigan Drivers $5B In Insurance RefundsGovernor Whitmer Wants To Give Michigan Drivers $5B In Insurance RefundsGovernor Gretchen Whitmer wants to put about 5-Billion-Dollars back into the pockets of Michigan's drivers.Ken EvansKen Evans
What Are The Chances Of You Hitting A Deer In Michigan?What Are The Chances Of You Hitting A Deer In Michigan?How likely is it you'll hit a deer in Michigan this year? Believe it or not, we're not in the worst state when it comes to animal collisions. LargeLarge
Michigan Auto Insurance Changes Coming Next WeekMichigan Auto Insurance Changes Coming Next WeekPIP medical coverage pays for health care expenses, and some funeral expenses, and makes up about half of a plan’s premium.Brent AlbertsBrent Alberts