You Have To Try Elvis Bread At Good Truckin Diner In REO TownYou Have To Try Elvis Bread At Good Truckin Diner In REO TownSimple instructions. Go to Good Truckin Diner. Look upon the board. If it says Elvis Bread or Red Velvet Pancakes on it, or them both. LargeLarge
The Real Reason We Buy Up All The Milk & Bread Before A StormThe Real Reason We Buy Up All The Milk & Bread Before A Storm"The thought to get milk before a storm is followed by the action or compulsion to go out and stockpile JTJT
Where Do You Get the Best Pizza?Where Do You Get the Best Pizza?Even if you could go back in time.Joey PantsJoey Pants
These 24 Lansing Area Bakeries Serve Up the Best Sweet TreatsThese 24 Lansing Area Bakeries Serve Up the Best Sweet TreatsFrom Grand Ledge to Williamston, from St. Johns to Jackson, and everywhere in between, there are some awesome bakeries serving up some sweet treats. Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
Chef Kurt is Baking Bread…Mmmmmm…Bread…Chef Kurt is Baking Bread…Mmmmmm…Bread…People will love you for this bread. You'll love it, too. Deb HartDeb Hart